Pizza Corner Diaries

I fall upon the thorns of life! I blog!

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Bongos = Crap
Dueling Bongos = Get me the f#%k out of here!

The evening began and ended with somewhat old pizza slices. In between wasn't much better.

It started with a slice purchased at the university student union building. I was rushed, had a major presentation to make, and wasn't sure if I was starving or just really, really nervous. Turns out I was just really, really nervous, as during my entire presentation I passed gas the smell of which would kill a charging elephant.

Later I decided to head out on my own to Ginger's to see the ever delightful Petunia. Unfortunately I first had to sit through dueling acoustic guitars, followed by dueling bongo drums. While I dueled with multiple beers I also duelled with the idea of fleeing. Luckily I tuffed it out as Petunia struck a mighty figure on stage in his french beret, Arabian neck scarf and super stylish red stripped shirt. His kazoo struck chords in my nether regions that any normal straight man would be too concerned about to mention in such a public forum.

As I stumbled home I decided to do my body no favours by picking up my second pizza slice of the night. Tomorrow I'm going to a job fair. Though in my mind it's more of a blow job fair, as I really, really need a job.


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