Pizza Corner Diaries

I fall upon the thorns of life! I blog!

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Rearranging Deck Chairs
on the Titantic

It's pretty much inevitable. At some point I always get asked, "So what in the hell do you do with a Philosophy degree?" It's tough to answer, really. When I still had my ping pong table it was:

"If you bounce the ball off the degree hanging on the wall and then get it back onto the table while keeping it in play you get a bonus five points added to your score."

Shortly thereafter it was:

"A tie rack."

But now that I've sold my table and hang my ties off of the rubber bumper on the back of my closet door, what more can I say than:

"Overthink things. "

Pizza Corner has morphed into Bizarro Pizza Corner these days. Life as I knew it is no longer as it was known. After making the jump from PC to Mac, Cntrl+C no longer cuts and Cntrl+V no longer pastes. Existence is highly suspect. Things that used to happen to everyone else but me seem to be happening to me. I'm like George in that episode of Seinfeld when he does everything the opposite and good things start happening to him. Except I'm doing all the same things and getting the same results. Go figure.

The title of this post comes from a guest lecturer I sat through last week. I don't remember his name and don't ask me what the topic was about, because I don't remember that either. What I do remember is that he started the lecture off with a list of things that he hoped we would remember. The only thing off the list that I actually remember was this: "Take away one thing that I say that you will remember for the rest of your life."

Looking back at my notes, the line about the deck chairs sticks out, perhaps due to its heavy underling, circling and highlighting with the firebolts shooting out from the flames I doodled around it.

So why did I pick that line? Why was that the only thing he said that didn't sound like Charlie Brown's mother's voice to me? Why the hell couldn't I have picked something a little more optimistic?!

I guess because lately I feel like I've been rearranging a couple deck chairs of my own. And I'm trying harder to not notice the ever increasing tilt of the ship.


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