Pizza Corner Diaries

I fall upon the thorns of life! I blog!

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The Great Wall
Pizza Diarist

Sorry. I've been busy.

Last time I was unemployed I picked up the hobby of beard growing. It lasted three months, both the beard and the lack of a job, and all I had to show for it was a skin rash and a maxed out VISA. And while not technically currently unemployed, I still do damage to my soul at $11.25/hour for 5.5 hours a week answering phone calls from toothless inbreds who can't reach their newspaper that was tossed under the rusting tireless chevette in their driveway, I don't really consider that a job. I consider it paid repetance for the time I kicked the ladder out from under my friend and left him stuck up in a tree so I could play his Commodore 64 back in 1987.

So until I find a cog in the government wheel that needs replacing, for all intents and purposes I'm jobless. I tried the beard thing for a bit, but the patches of grey I could see beginning to sprout put the kabosh on that. So I decided to give painting another try. For those who have seen my bathroom and have played me in badminton, you know that my painting ability is about as good as my badminton skills.

But I must say, it turned out well. As you can see from the photo, the lines are relatively straight. As long as you stand back 15 feet, cross your eyes and hop on one foot you can't even see bleeding between colors or the strips of paint that came off with the tape.


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