Pizza Corner Diaries

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Hip to Be Square

Khyber Prom '06

Last night the Khyber Centre for the Arts held their annual fundraiser. This year's theme being Prom Night, I busted out the old suit (aka "my only suit") complete with ruffled shirt, suspenders and bow tie. Library Girl was to be my "date" for the evening, heavy emphasis on the quotation marks. There are certain perks to having an ex girlfriend who's now a friend but has yet to find a new boyfriend, and having them accompany you to a fake prom as your non-date is just the tip of the iceberg. Neither of us got lucky, though she got closer than I did.

Bishop not coming was pretty solid assurance that it would be the best night ever, and it worked like a charm. Best night ever! Huey Lewis and the News cover band was better than the real thing. I danced badly in my two tone spats, too drunk to care. Some old dude with his balding grey hair pulled back into a pony tail hugged me while we both were relieving ourselves in adjacent urinals.

This morning I lied in bed and watched Busby Berkeley musicals for hours with a coffee drip plugged directly into the jugular vein in my neck.


Blogger Blandy Snorhal said...

Seems to me it would be hard for a Huey Lewis and the News cover band to not be better than the real thing. And it was considerate of Bish to stay home so you could have such a great night out. So selfless!

2:38 PM  

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