Pizza Corner Diaries

I fall upon the thorns of life! I blog!

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Pizza Corner Diaries Soundtrack

Track 4

"Rifle in the Closet"

from Interstellar Discussion

There were rumors galore. He was retarded and living in a shack with only a guitar and a tape deck. That, or he was a self-made millionaire recluse. My favorite was that he was recording these songs as part of ongoing therapy sessions and his analyst was secretly releasing albums of them and pocketing the cash. Whatever the truth is, 46 albums in 28 years (and counting) is a lot of therapy and with not a single public performance in all that time, it's impressive to say the least. His fans include(d) Kurt Cobain, Simpson's creator Matt Groening, and Beck. Someone purporting to be him began performing publicly for the first time in 2004. Fans were skeptable, but after comparing live photos of his ear with album covers, confirmed that it was true. Jandek had come out of hiding.


Blogger Blandy Snorhal said...

This song can only apply to the soundtrack of your life if you have been cornered in a dark alley by a schizophrenic guy in black jogging pants and a grey hoodie with a stain of unknown origin on it and the event is made more terrifying by the lights and music drifting down on you both by a travelling carnival located behind the fence at the end of the alley.

5:42 PM  

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