Pizza Corner Diaries

I fall upon the thorns of life! I blog!

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Time to Reinstall the Pole

So that's that then. She's gone. And I'm still here. And I know what you're thinking: "That feeling you're experiencing is sadness, Pizza Diarist."

Well, one person's sadness is another's Deju Vu.

So these last few weeks have been absolutely fascinating ones from a purely psychological perspective. I've seen myself behave in ways I would have never imagined. Yet on the other hand I have a whole new respect for my ability to chew on my anger until it forms into a tiny little ball and swallow it deep down inside never to be seen again. And I know what you're thinking: "That doesn't sound very healthy, Pizza Diarist."

Well, neither does a colonoscopy.

So between going to see overweight 30 year olds singing about living in their mother's basement and guzzling Pepto Bismal while judging chili cooking competitions, this weekend is all about getting my life back to its original seated position.


Blogger Blandy Snorhal said...

I believe that dude living in his mother's basement is 31 today. Happy birthday B.A.! And happy re-bachelorhood Pizza Diarist!

6:34 PM  

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