Pizza Corner Diaries

I fall upon the thorns of life! I blog!

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Time to Update the Chart

SubjectTime Elapsed between RelationshipsYears of PartnershipExpiration DateCurrent Distance from Pizza CornerTime Before Marriage
Ex #13 Years4 Years200050 Kms1 Year
Ex #21 Year1.5 Years20026182 Kms1 Year
(now divorced)
Ex #313 Days1 Year200420,000 KmsPending
Ex #41.5 Years
10 Months20064 KmsPending

So for the three of you that have been following these Diaries since their inception in July of 2004, (bravo to you!) this may look a little familiar. For those of you unfamiliar with the numerous ways in which I keep track of all my faults in order to remind myself of what a dud I am, this is one of my favourites. I don't know about you, but I find charts like this are the easiest way in which to record, interpret and display heartbreak and sadness. I just wish I knew how to change the font.

When this was originally posted back in August of 2004, I only had three subjects. Let's hear it for progress!

I'm posting my original results for the purposes of self deprecation only.

1. Both the time between my relationships and the duration of my relationships decreases as my age increases.
2. The distance an ex moves from me is inversely proportional to the amount of time we spend together.
3. The amount of time that passes before an ex marries is consistently short.

Results of my research:
If you have a desire to flee the country and marry quickly after a short rebound relationship.... call me.


Blogger Blandy Snorhal said...

I can't help but wonder, would this be more effective as a pie chart?

8:48 PM  
Blogger the library girl said...

i can't help but wonder how much more of your time should be invested in studying than figuring up your chart ratios of past relationships...

self-deprication is the greatest therapy!

11:49 AM  
Blogger kimberlym said...

i've always enjoyed this chart, that's from bringing it back for your loyal readers.


8:53 AM  

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