Pizza Corner Diaries

I fall upon the thorns of life! I blog!

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My love life is like the airline industry. I get date about as often as a plane crashes. And when it happens it makes all the papers, which leads to it seeming like it happens all the time. But if you take into account all the planes in the sky at any one moment and the number of those that actually burst into flames and plunge to earth killing everyone on board, the chances of it actually happening are about that of winning the lottery. Which is to say, the chances of me having a date.

Speaking of plane crashes, it would appear that I've taken my theory of doing the exact opposite of what I would normally do just a tad bit too far. Like B.A. once sang, some cat should write a manual to tell you how long you should wait. And my recent behavior should be a case study in such a manual as to how soon you should not wait. So I've decided to put my theory to rest and stop looking to the sky for falling planes.

Intriguing; adjective
1 Capable of arousing interest or curiosity;
i.e. "Hanging out with you lately has reminded me of how intriguing I found you all those years ago"
2 Disturbingly provocative;
i.e. "It's intriguing that you would say that. Please don't ever contact me again"


Blogger the library girl said...

We both seem pretty fond of airplane metaphors. Crazy!

Plane crashes and runways!

1:49 PM  

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