Pizza Corner Diaries

I fall upon the thorns of life! I blog!

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(please God don't let me die in PEI)

Once again I find myself sitting in front of my computer posting my dying wishes on the night before embarking on a dangerous wintertime road trip. With all the recent trips I've taken, it could almost lead one to think that I have lots of friends of something. But sadly for the fact that I have only three. And one of them just happens to have a car.

Bright and early tomorrow I'll be packed back into the Volkswagen station wagon with Library Girl behind the wheel. [insert nervous laughter here] This time, however, I'll be accompanied by the second third of my friends, Bish, and two young chaps I have yet to meet. We'll be taking the longest bridge over waters that freeze in the world (whoop-dee-doo!) to that mound of red dirt cow and potato covered island known as PEI.

For those of you unfamiliar with Prince Edward Island, I'll tell you everything you need to know about it: It's. An. Island.

Oh, and one other thing: Nobody. Lives. There.

So should I drown in the frigid waters of the Northumberland Strait after our vehicle plunges over the side of the Confederation Bridge, be pummeled to death by potatoes after what few locals there are catch wind that I'm coming, or be crushed to death during a late night drunken cow tipping adventure, I leave all my boring b&w subtitled films to Blandy, any album made by a band with a member that was born or has spent time in Britain to DJ Max, and everything else goes on eBay with all the revenue going to my father. Who's birthday last Wednesday I forgot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a great time guys, but there's no way it'll beat Montreal bagels and stinky feet "snacks". P.S. Tell librarygirl emails to her gmail account arent going through. Legs

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though I am anonomous to you, i can't help but feel that you are attempting to ignite my ire with your repeated PEI Nobody. Lives. There. (sometimes everything IS about me)
Your lack of understnding of the word 'nobody' is quite astounding.
I am left feeing nothing but pity for you as you appear to be closed to the joys of blissful island living. Don't you know that due to the lack of anything else to do in the winter on PEI, your imagination is allowd to flow freely? I can garuntee that there are more drinking games, illict partner swapping and fantastic dramas unfolding at any given time then you will ever experince here in this humble yet bustling city of Halifax.
I hope the cows and potatoes are able to save your ass should you sttand face to face with your own possible demise.

Island girl with an attitude

2:17 PM  
Blogger World of Pandemonium said...

Oh snap!

Is it bad to wish for the death of a friend in order to receive a shit-load of great records???

Haha...just kidding...sort of...

Watch what you say around those testy Islanders.

4:56 PM  
Blogger Blandy Snorhal said...

Black and white with subtitles?!

You know I won't watch anything without Stephen Baldwin in it.

7:14 PM  
Blogger the library girl said...

I love how blog posts meant to be humorous are taken the wrong way. Wearing hearts on your sleeve are optional when reading the Pizza Corner Diaries.

4:22 PM  

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