Pizza Corner Diaries

I fall upon the thorns of life! I blog!

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- The Barmitzvah Brothers

You should jet ta Gus's tonight fo' da show cuz it will be really pimp-tight. Don't make me come ovah there bitch...

You should go to Gus's tonight for the show because it will be really good.

(translation courtesy of the Ebonics Translator)

It's been an odd few days for music to say the least. Last night it was a "Tom Waitsy" "Dutch" "jazz ensemble" playing Frank "Zappa covers" (all direct quotes). If you think that sounds good, you should have heard how it actually sounded. It was pimp tight to be sure.

Tonight at Gus's promises to be tight as a pimp as well. I will be the heavy lidded chap leaning against something solid and furrowing his brow like he has a chip on his shoulder. I'll be in some sort of fraying sweater probably. I haven't decided on which color slacks yet. Chances are that between nursing a beer and scowling I'll occasionally nod off from lack of sleep. So if you see me slipping, just let me fall. Whatever you do, don't try to speak to me.

Gus's Pub
Sat, Jan 28


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